Vietnam Moving Wall.
WHEN: The Vietnam Moving Wall will arrive in Florence on October 13, 2010 and will be
installed on the morning of the 14th by volunteers. The Wall will be ready for viewing at that time,
with an opening ceremony the night of the 14th. Closing ceremony will be
October 18th and the Wall be disassembled on the morning of the
PLACE: The Moving Wall will be on the grounds of
the Florence Government Center on Ewing Blvd.
Boone County
Veterans Memorial, Boone County Businessmen Association, Florence Rotary and
Blue Star Mothers Chapter 5, in cooperation with the City of Florence and
Florence Police Dept, are very proud to bring the Vietnam Moving Wall to
Florence, KY.
The last time the Vietnam Moving Wall was in Florence was 2003
and thousands of people viewed the half replica and the 58,229 names itched upon
the Wall.
This will truly be a community event with opening and closing ceremonies
and daily activities. The Wall will be open 24 hrs a day for
The wall will be manned by volunteers.
Any person or group
that wishes to be a part of this life event and wants to spend time at the wall
helping others should contact:
Blue Star Mothers- Lorene Friedman-371-8520